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Cat Tooth Extractions: What to Expect & What to Watch For

Caring for your cat's teeth is an important part of their routine care. Unfortunately, it is often missed, resulting in serious oral health conditions. In this blog post, our Hermitage vets discuss tooth extraction surgery in cats, what to expect after and during recovery, and how to prevent it.

Cat Dental Surgery: Tooth Extractions

Your cat's oral health is crucial for its overall well-being. Cats use their mouths, teeth, and gums to eat and communicate. If their oral structures are not in good condition, they can experience pain and interfere with their normal activities.

Additionally, the bacteria and infections that cause oral health problems can spread to other body parts if left untreated, potentially damaging organs such as the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Regular dental check-ups are essential for monitoring your cat's oral health and identifying any dental issues before they become serious. These check-ups are similar to when you visit your dentist.

A comprehensive dental exam consists of:

  • Probing the teeth and gumline to measure the depth of the pockets
  • Taking X-rays of the teeth, soft tissue, and bone to help visualize tooth roots and dental ligaments
  • Extracting (removing) any diseased teeth
  • Scaling and polishing (cleaning) the teeth
  • Assessing oral tumors and abnormalities 

In some cases, your vet may discover a serious issue affecting a tooth, resulting in the need for tooth extraction. Your vet will note the signs and complete their examination to determine if removal is the right course of action. After that, they will likely perform additional diagnostics to confirm their findings.

Once confirmed, they will share this information and treatment plan with you before scheduling (or performing, if time permits) the dental surgery. Your vet will also perform pre-anesthetic bloodwork before the surgery to ensure that your cat is healthy enough to undergo anesthesia.

What to Watch for After Your Cat’s Dental Surgery 

Sutures may close gum tissue where teeth have been removed during your cat’s surgery. These sutures often dissolve on their own to avoid having another round of anesthesia for suture removal. Sometimes, gum tissue is left open to drain and heal independently. 

If your cat’s mouth tissue is infected, you may notice the following:

  • A foul odor coming from your cat’s mouth 
  • A slight swelling on the lower or upper jawline or under the eye area; the eye may also seem to bulge or protrude from your cat’s head 
  • Refusal of food
  • Drainage from the nose or mouth 
  • General sluggishness
  • Drooling
  • Pawing at the mouth or rubbing their face on the ground
  • Dropping food while eating

Antibiotics may have already been sent home with you to prevent infection, but call your veterinarian if you notice any of these signs.

If your cat is not eating or sleeping after its dental surgery, you should contact your vet to have it examined.

How to Take Care of a Cat After Teeth Extraction

Taking care of a cat after tooth extractions requires patience and attention. Here are some steps to help your cat recover smoothly:

  • Pain Management: Follow your veterinarian's instructions for administering pain relief medication. This is crucial for keeping your cat comfortable during recovery.
  • Feeding: Offer soft or wet food to avoid irritating the surgical site. Your veterinarian may recommend a specific diet to ensure your cat gets the necessary nutrients without causing pain.
  • Hydration: Ensure your cat has access to fresh water. Sometimes, cats hesitate to drink, so offering water in a different bowl or adding water to their food can help.
  • Hygiene: Keep the surgical site clean and monitor for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge.
  • Limit Activity: Restrict your cat's physical activity to prevent injury to the surgical site. Keep them indoors and avoid letting them jump or play vigorously.

Why can't a cat sleep or eat after dental surgery?

It is not uncommon for cats to experience difficulty sleeping or eating after dental surgery. The anesthesia used during surgery can cause temporary disorientation and discomfort, which might affect your cat's ability to sleep.

Additionally, the pain or discomfort from the surgery can make it difficult for your cat to find a comfortable position to rest.

When it comes to eating, the pain and tenderness in the mouth can deter your cat from eating normally. Soft foods can help, but if your cat continues to avoid food, it is essential to consult your veterinarian. They can provide further pain management options or check for any complications.

How can you manage your cat's pain after dental surgery?

The veterinarian may have used locally injected numbing agents in your cat's mouth to manage pain during the tooth extraction surgery.

These local anesthesia effects can last between 6-24 hours, depending on the type of medication used. After the effects wear off, you will probably be asked to administer oral medication to control the pain at home.

It's important to closely monitor your cat's recovery and watch for signs that they are still in pain.

  • Vocalizing (meowing and howling)
  • Drooling
  • Pawing at their mouth 
  • Refusal of food
  • Hiding from people and other pets 
  • Lethargy (sluggishness) 

Some of these signs can also be side effects of anesthesia or pain medication. If you notice these signs and are giving your cat the medication as directed, call your vet for the next steps. 

Do not stop giving medications unless instructed to do so by your veterinarian.

How long is recovery after cat tooth extraction surgery?

Most veterinarians schedule a recheck 7 - 14 days after cat dental extractions to examine the cat's mouth and assess healing. Sometimes, sedation is necessary, but the examination is usually quick and straightforward.

What can you do to prevent the need for tooth extractions?

To prevent future cat tooth extractions, your veterinarian may suggest certain products and activities to reduce plaque accumulation. These may include:  
  • Dental treats
  • Therapeutic dental diets
  • Water additives 
  • Toothbrushing 
  • Mouth rinsing 
Always speak with your veterinarian about dental products and when they should be started after a dental procedure.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Is your cat due for their annual dental exam and cleaning? Contact our Hermitage vets to book an appointment today.

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